Online Course

Dates: Wednesdays, August 19 – September 9, 2020
Time:  2 – 5 PM EST 

Instructor: Alan Huck

This four-week course will explore the various ways that photography and text interact in the book form. Meeting virtually for several hours each week, sessions will consist of creative exercises, group reading discussions, brief lectures, and presentations of both historically relevant and contemporary book publications. Students will be asked to work with both found materials and their own photographic work, culminating in the formation of an original photo-text project. Through a mixture of relevant theory and practical application, we will navigate the complex territory between these two distinct languages—image and word—and develop new strategies for how they can be integrated.

This course has been developed in collaboration with Penumbra Foundation.

Register via Penumbra Foundation.

Alan Huck, I walk toward the sun which is always going down (MACK, 2019)

Alan Huck, I walk toward the sun which is always going down (MACK, 2019)